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    Period 2021-12-15 ~ 2022-01-15 (End) Course 오션힐스 포항 GC Course Introduction
    Golf Championship Name JL GOLF 골프대회 (2군,7군) Store Location 베트남 JL 골프 ( ) Find a store
    Competition Method Store Competition Weather 맑음
    Green 약간빠름 Wind 보통
    Concede 1.25m Number of Mulligans 2time
    Difficulty 프로 Tee Location Male : 블루       Female : 레이디
    Award Information 1st Prize : 0won
    2nd Prize : 0won
    3위 Prize : 0won
    4th to 10th Prize : 0won
    Nearpin Prize : 0won
    Longest Prize : 0won
    Hole-in-one Prize : 0won
    Precautions 기타 상품 준비되어 있습니다. 추후 변동사항은 공지드리겠습니다.
    ▼ Competition Ranking (Participant : 0 persons)
    • Ranking Image Nickname Gender Store Location Strokes Score Participation Count Scorecard