Terms of Service

Unievoro Co., Ltd.has reflected the safety and related laws and regulations regarding the protection of members' personal information in the terms and conditions.
These terms and conditions will be effective from August 1, 2014.

Article 1 (Purpose)

These terms of service(hereinafter referred to as the "terms")define the conditions for users to register as members in order to use the internet-related services (hereinafter referred to as "services") provided by Unievoro Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "company") or its affiliates onwww.msgolftech.com (hereinafter referred to as the "website"). These terms also set forth the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of users regarding the use of the services.

Article 2 (Definitions)

The definitions of terms used in these terms are as follows. Any terms not defined here shall be interpreted according to applicable laws and general practice.

1. "Mall" refers to the virtual business space set up by the company using computer and telecommunication facilities to enable users to transact goods or services (hereinafter referred to as "products, etc.").

2. "User" refers to any person who accesses the "mall" and receives the services provided by the "mall" in accordance with these terms, including both members and non-members.

3. "Member" refers to a user who agrees to these terms and the privacy policy, enters into a service agreement, and continues to use the services.

4. "Non-member" refers to a user who does not register as a member but still uses the services provided by the company.

5. "Business Owner" refers to any individual who purchases MS Golf products from the company and operates a business for profit at a designated location.

6. "Business Location" refers to a store or facility where MS Golf products are installed and approved by the company to provide services.

7. "Post" refers to any text, images, files, links, or other content published within the services by either the company or its members.

8. "Service Agreement" refers to all agreements established between the company and a member regarding the use of the services, including these terms.

Article 3 (Notification, Explanation, and Amendment of Terms)

1. The company shall post the contents of these terms, its business name, the name of its representative, the address of its business location (including the address where consumer complaints can be handled), telephone number, fax number, email address, business registration number, e-commerce registration number, and personal information manager on the main page of the mall’s initial service screen so that users can easily access this information. However, the terms may also be provided through a linked screen.

2. Before users agree to these terms, the company shall provide a separate linked screen or pop-up window with explanations of important provisions such as order cancellation, shipping responsibilities, and refund conditions to ensure that users fully understand these terms.

3. The company may revise these terms within the scope permitted by applicable laws.

4. If the company amends these terms, the changes shall take effect by announcing the revised terms, along with the effective date and the reason for amendment, on the main page of the mall at least seven days before the effective date until the day before implementation.

5. Members are responsible for regularly checking the website for updates to the terms. The company shall not be held liable for any damages incurred by a member due to unawareness of changes to the terms.

6. Any matters not specified in these terms and the interpretation of these terms shall be governed by the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, the Act on the Regulation of Terms and Conditions, the consumer protection guidelines established by the Fair Trade Commission for e-commerce, and relevant laws and business practices.

Article 4 (Supplementary Provisions to the Terms)

The company may establish separate terms and operational policies (hereinafter referred to as "additional terms") for specific services. In the event of any conflict between these terms and the additional terms, the additional terms shall take precedence.

Article 5 (Formation of the Service Agreement)

The service agreement is established when a user agrees to the terms of use, submits a service application to the company, and the company approves the user's application.

Article 6 (Service Application)

1. Users who wish to register as members must agree to the service agreement and provide the required information (hereinafter referred to as "user information"), including user ID, password, name, and contact details, as requested by the company.

2. All members must provide accurate personal information to use the services. Any member who registers with false or stolen information cannot claim any rights related to the service and may be subject to legal consequences.

3. The company reserves the right to verify the authenticity of the information provided by members, and members must actively cooperate with these verification processes. If a member fails to cooperate, the company may consider the provided information to be false.

4. The company may differentiate access to services based on membership levels, including restrictions on usage time, frequency, and available service menus.

5. The company or an authorized third party may collect user information in writing from users applying for membership and complete the online registration process on their behalf.

Article 7 (Approval and Restrictions on Service Application)

1. The company generally approves service applications in the order they are received, as stipulated in articles 5 and 6.

2. The company may withhold approval of a service application in the following cases:

a) If the applicant does not provide accurate personal information;
b) If the application violates laws, public order, or social norms;
c) If the applicant intends to use the service for illegal activities such as gambling;
d) If the service is being used for commercial purposes;
e) If the applicant is a competitor of the company;
f) If the applicant has previously had a service agreement terminated due to violations of laws or these terms;
g) If the applicant has outstanding payments for products purchased through the mall or other service-related obligations; and
h) If the application violates any other laws or terms.

3. The company may defer approval of a service application until the following issues are resolved:

a) If there is insufficient system capacity;
b) If there are technical difficulties; and
c) If there are other operational reasons that prevent approval.

4. The company may also place applications on hold until any restrictions mentioned above are resolved.

5. If the applicant is a minor under the age of 20, approval may be deferred based on service-specific guidelines.

6. If any of the reasons listed in section 2 are discovered after membership registration is completed, the company may revoke its approval.

Article 8 (Protection and Use of Personal Information)

1. The company strives to protect members’ personal information in accordance with applicable laws and its privacy policy.

2. The company's privacy policy does not apply to external websites linked from the company’s website.

3. Members must carefully manage their passwords to prevent exposure to third parties. The company is not responsible for any personal information leaks caused by the member's negligence.

4. Personal information provided by users shall not be used for purposes other than those intended or shared with third parties without the user’s consent. However, the company may provide personal information to third parties within the limits set by law in the following cases:

a) When requested by investigative or government agencies;
b) When necessary for verifying fraudulent activities, including violations of laws or terms;
c) When required for delivery services, providing only the minimum necessary information (name, address, phone number) to the delivery company;
d) When required for statistical analysis, academic research, or market surveys, provided that the information is processed in a way that individuals cannot be identified;
e) When necessary for payment processing related to transactions;
f) When necessary for identity verification to prevent unauthorized use; and
g) When required by law.

6. The company is not responsible for any personal information members provide to third parties, including business owners.

7. The company collects only the minimum amount of user information required to provide services. The following are mandatory, while all other information is optional:

a) Name;
b) Address;
c) Phone number;
d) Desired ID (for members);
e) Password (for members);
f) Email address (or mobile phone number);
g) Connection information (CI); and
h) Duplicate registration verification information (DI).

8. The company must obtain the user’s consent before collecting any personally identifiable information.

9. The "service agreement" refers to all agreements between the company and the member regarding service use, including these terms.

10. Users can request access to or correction of their personal information at any time, and the company must take necessary actions without delay. If a user requests correction of an error, the company shall not use the personal information until the correction is completed.

11. The company limits the number of personnel managing personal information for security purposes and is responsible for any damages caused by loss, theft, leakage, or alteration of a user's personal information, including credit card and bank account details.

12. The company or any third party that has received personal information from the company must immediately destroy the information once its intended purpose has been fulfilled.

Article 9 (Assignment and Modification of User ID)

1. The company assigns a user ID to each member in accordance with these terms.

2. User IDs cannot be changed in principle. If a user must change their ID for unavoidable reasons, they must terminate the existing ID and submit a new service application.

3. A user's ID on the website may be linked to the member's ID on other websites operated by the company or its subsidiaries with the member’s consent.

4. A user ID may be changed at the member’s request or suspended by the company in the following cases:

a) If the user ID is registered as a phone number or resident registration number, raising privacy concerns;
b) If the user ID is offensive or violates public decency;
c) If the user ID is identical to or easily confused with the name of the company, its services, or its operators; and
d) If there are other reasonable grounds for modification or suspension.

5. Members are solely responsible for managing their user ID and password. The company is not liable for any damages or unauthorized use resulting from a member's failure to fulfill this responsibility.

6. Other matters related to personal information management and changes are governed by the service-specific guidelines.

Article 10 (Obligations of the Company)

1. The company shall provide services to members from the requested start date unless there are special circumstances preventing it.

2. To ensure stable service, the company shall promptly repair or restore any malfunctioning or damaged equipment unless unavoidable circumstances prevent it.

3. The company shall publicly disclose its privacy policy and make efforts to protect members' personal information.

4. If a member submits an opinion or complaint that is deemed objectively reasonable, the company shall address it promptly through appropriate procedures. If immediate resolution is not possible, the company shall inform the member of the reason and the expected resolution timeline.

Article 11 (Obligations of Members)

1. Members must provide accurate and truthful information when applying for membership or updating their account details.

2. If a member registers false or third-party information, they cannot claim any rights related to the service agreement or any associated agreements.

3. Members must comply with applicable laws, these terms, additional terms, and all company policies and announcements.

4. Members must not interfere with the company’s operations, damage its reputation, or engage in activities that cause harm to others.

5. If a member's information changes, they must update it immediately through the designated method. The company is not responsible for any damages caused by the member’s failure to fulfill this notification obligation.

6. Members are not allowed to use the service for commercial purposes without prior approval from the company. The company is not responsible for any outcomes of such unauthorized business activities. If the company incurs damages due to a member's unauthorized business activities, it may restrict the member's use of the service and seek compensation.

7. Unless explicitly approved by the company, members may not transfer, gift, or use their service rights or contractual status as collateral for third parties.

8Members must not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of the company or third parties, nor engage in any activities specified in Article 18.

Article 12 (Service Availability)

1. The service is available 24/7 year-round unless there are exceptional business or technical circumstances. However, the company may temporarily suspend service for scheduled system maintenance, expansion, or replacement. In such cases, prior notice will be provided on the website.

2. In cases of urgent system maintenance, expansion, replacement, equipment failure, service overload, national emergencies, power outages, or other unavoidable circumstances, the company may temporarily suspend all or part of the service without prior notice.

3. If the company deems it necessary for service modifications or operational reasons, it may discontinue all or part of the service after notifying members in advance.

Article 13 (Member Posts and Content)

1. Members are fully responsible for any issues arising from the content they post.

2. The company may take actions such as temporary suspension, modification, deletion, relocation, or rejection of posts without prior consent if they fall under any of the following categories:

a) Content that insults or defames third parties;
b) Content that violates public order or moral standards, or links to such material;
c) Content that promotes illegal copying or hacking;
d) Advertisements for commercial purposes;
e) Content that is objectively deemed to be associated with criminal activities;
f) Content that infringes on third-party copyrights or intellectual property rights;
g) Content that expresses political opinions or religious views that are deemed inappropriate for the nature of the service; and
h) Content that is considered to violate relevant laws.

3. If a third party requests the removal of a post due to defamation, intellectual property infringement, or other legal issues, and if the company deems the request valid, it may temporarily suspend (restrict transmission of) the post.

4. If a post is temporarily suspended, the member who posted it may request the company to reinstate it. If the company finds the request justified, it may restore the post. However, if a legal decision, mediation, settlement, or agreement occurs between the requesting party and the member, the company will follow that decision regarding whether to reinstate or permanently remove the post.

Article 14 (Copyright of Posts)

1. All intellectual property rights, including copyrights, for posts or works created by the company belong to the company.

2. The copyright of posts made by members within the service belongs to the respective member. However, for the purposes of operating, displaying, transmitting, distributing, and promoting the service, the company may use member posts within a reasonable scope in accordance with fair practices under copyright law without separate permission from the member, as follows:

a) The company may reproduce, modify, adapt, display, transmit, distribute, and create derivative works of member posts within the service, provided it does not harm the integrity of the original work.
b) The company may provide, display, or promote member posts to media outlets, telecommunications companies, or other service partners. However, in such cases, the company will not disclose any personal information other than the member’s user ID without separate consent.

3. If the company wishes to use a member’s post in ways not specified above, it must obtain prior consent from the member via phone, fax, or email.

4. If a member terminates their service agreement, all posts recorded under their account may be deleted.

Article 15 (Provision of Information)

1. The company may provide members with various types of information deemed necessary for service use via email, mail, SMS, phone, or other communication methods.

2. For service improvement and member-targeted service introductions, the company may collect additional personal information with the member’s consent in accordance with applicable laws.

Article 16 (Advertising and Transactions with Advertisers)

1. Part of the company’s service investment is funded through advertising revenue, and members agree to the display of advertisements while using the service.

2. If a transaction occurs between a member and an advertiser as a result of advertisements displayed on the service or promotional activities through the service, the company assumes no responsibility for any damages arising from such transactions.

Article 17 (Contract Modification and Termination)

1. If a member wishes to terminate their service agreement, they must proceed with account cancellation.

2. If the company intends to terminate the service agreement, it shall notify the member in advance, in accordance with the privacy policy, that their registration will be deleted. The company will provide the member an opportunity to explain before proceeding with account deletion.

3. If the company revises these terms, it shall announce the effective date and the reason for the revision, along with the current terms, on the main page of the website at least seven (7) days before the changes take effect until the day before implementation.

Article 18 (Service Restrictions)

1. The company may take measures such as restricting service use, resetting data, or terminating the user agreement if a member violates Article 11 of these terms or engages in any of the following actions:

a) Registering false information in their account or using another person’s user ID, password, or personal information;
b) Transferring or providing their user ID to another person;
c) Transmitting, posting, emailing, or otherwise distributing information, text, graphics, audio, or video that is obscene, indecent, or violates public order and moral standards, or that infringes upon the honor or privacy of others;
d) Harassing or threatening other users or continuously causing distress or inconvenience to a specific user;
e) Modifying the company’s client program, hacking the company’s servers, or arbitrarily altering any part or all of the website or posted information without the company’s authorization;
f) Copying, publishing, broadcasting, or providing information obtained through the service to third parties without prior approval from the company;
g) Impersonating the company’s administrators, employees, or affiliates, or intentionally interfering with the normal operation of the service;
h) Receiving corrective action requests from public agencies such as the Korea Internet Safety Commission;
i) Not using the service for more than three months; and
j) Violating any applicable laws, these terms, or other regulations established by the company.

Article 19 (Damages and Liability)

1. If the company or the user causes damage to the other party due to willful misconduct or negligence in relation to the use of the service, the responsible party shall compensate for the damages incurred.

2. The company shall not be liable for any damages related to the use of free services, except in cases where such liability is stipulated in the company’s privacy policy.

Article 20 (Disclaimer of Liability)

1. The company shall not be held liable for failure to provide services due to force majeure, such as natural disasters, war, service interruptions by telecommunications providers, or other similar uncontrollable circumstances.

2. The company shall not be responsible for damages caused by necessary maintenance, replacement, periodic inspections, or construction related to service facilities.

3. The company shall not be liable for damages resulting from a user’s computer errors or from the user’s failure to accurately provide personal information, including their email address.

4. The company does not guarantee any expected profits or benefits from using the service and shall not be held responsible for any losses incurred. Additionally, the company shall not be liable for any damages caused by materials obtained through the service.

5. The company does not guarantee the reliability or accuracy of any information, data, or facts posted by users. Furthermore, the company has no obligation to intervene in disputes between users or between users and third parties arising from the service and shall not be liable for any damages resulting from such disputes.

6. The company is not obligated to pre-screen, monitor, or review user-generated content before it is posted.

Article 21 (Notices)

1. The company may send notices to users via the email address registered with the company.

2. If the company needs to notify a large number of users, it may substitute individual notices by posting the information on the company’s bulletin board for at least seven days.

Article 22 (Cash Points)

1. "Cash points" are a form of "cyber cash" that can be earned through various services or events on the My Golf Score website. Users have only the right to use them and may not sell or transfer them to others under any circumstances.

2. Unless otherwise specified by the company, cash points cannot be used for transactions involving goods or services and cannot be exchanged for cash or other forms of compensation.

3. To ensure efficient use and management of the cash point service, the company may, after prior notice, adjust the usage of cash points or periodically expire unused cash points.

Article 23 (Mall Operations)

1. The "mall" shall perform the following functions:

a) Providing information on goods or services and facilitating purchase agreements;
b) Delivering goods or services for which purchase agreements have been completed; and
c) Carrying out other tasks as determined by the mall.

2. If goods or services become unavailable due to stock shortages or technical changes, the mall may modify the contents of future purchase agreements. In such cases, the company shall immediately post a notice specifying the changes and the effective date in the same location where the current goods or services were listed.

Article 24 (Relationship Between Main Linked Malls and Sub Linked Malls)

1. When an upper-level mall and a lower-level mall are connected via hyperlinks (which may include text, images, or animations), the former is referred to as a "main linked mall," and the latter is referred to as a "sub linked mall."

2. The main linked mall does not assume any warranty or liability for transactions conducted between users and the sub linked mall regarding goods or services provided by the affiliated mall.

Article 25 (Mid-Term Refunds for Content)

1. All content is eligible for a mid-term refund, except for content provided free of charge by the company, content owned by a member through the gift service between members, one-time-use content, and content that the company has pre-notified as non-refundable.

2. If a member requests a mid-term refund, the company shall refund the mid-term refund amount to the member within five business days from the date the refund request is received.

3. The mid-term refund amount shall be calculated by deducting from the original purchase price of the content the amount corresponding to the period or number of times the member has used the content, as well as the refund processing fee, which is 10% of the original purchase price of the content.

Article 26 (Remedies for Content-Related Damages)

1. If the service is suspended or disrupted due to force majeure or unlawful acts by a third party and the company has not provided prior notice, the company shall extend the service free of charge for the duration of the suspension or disruption as a remedy for the member. However, if the service interruption or disruption is caused by reasons attributable to the member, the duration of such service suspension shall not be included in the compensation period.

2. If content purchased by a member from the company is lost due to reasons attributable to the company, the company shall restore it to its original state. If restoration is not reasonably feasible, the company shall provide alternative content or issue a refund.

Article 27 (Company Sanctions for Members’ Improper Use of Content)

1. If a member engages in abnormal or improper use of content, the company may impose sanctions, such as suspending the member's account or revoking access to the content, after providing prior notice to the member. However, if an urgent action is required to maintain the normal operation of the service, the company may suspend the account or revoke content access before providing notice.

2. If a sanction under Paragraph 1 is imposed, the company shall provide evidence of the member’s improper conduct and allow the member an opportunity to present an explanation.

3. If the member proves that the abnormal or improper use of content was not due to their willful misconduct or negligence, the company shall extend the member’s service usage period by the duration of the account suspension.

4. If a member causes damage to the company due to improper or abnormal use of content, the member shall compensate the company for the damages incurred.

Article 28 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law)

1. Any matters not specified in these terms shall be governed by applicable laws and general commercial practices.

2. For members subscribed to flat-rate services or other paid services, the terms and policies separately established by the company shall apply.

3. If a dispute arises from the use of the service and legal action is taken, the court with jurisdiction over the company’s principal office location shall be the competent court.

《Supplementary Provisions》

1. These terms and conditions shall take effect as of August 1, 2014.

《Purpose of Personal Information Collection and Use》

- Identification of members for service usage: ID, password, name, date of birth, school information, company information, etc.
- Product delivery, billing, prize distribution, and purchase notifications: Name, address, phone number, etc.
- Notification delivery, identity verification, complaint handling, securing communication channels, marketing purposes (including new service and product advertisements, and event notifications): Email address, mobile phone number, etc.
- Payment processing for automatic or manual billing: Bank account information, credit card information, etc.
- Transmission of store usage information on behalf of members: Mobile phone number, nickname, gender, date of birth, store visit frequency, etc.
- Providing personalized services: Other optional information.